But today, well today's post is gonna be about to the not-so-wonderful things. They get me down every once in awhile. That's how I'm feeling today. (Okay, "down" might not be the right word. I'm not really "down-in-the-dumps" about it, more like "melancholy." No, no. That's not right either. "Wistful", yeah, that's it. 'Cause "wistful" means that I'm sad in a yearning kind of way for something. Hmmmmm, betcha didn't know you were gonna get a word definition lesson, did ya'?!)
Anyway, let me explain...
There was a time in my life when I actually got manicures. Pedicures, too. Oh, and facials. Not to mention a regular haircut, complete with a blow out. And my wardrobe consisted of things other than yoga pants, khaki shorts, tee shirts and flip-flops. I would barely even consider stepping out of the house without make-up on and my hair done.
Well, sugah, those days are OVER!
Now, I'm doing good to get a little make-up on (gotta hide those dark under-eye circles!) along with a tee shirt that doesn't have stains on it.
When my kids were little (well, they're still little, but littler) they used to torture me by never taking a nap at the same time. And then along came the DARK under-eye circles, along with trying out at least 32 different kinds of concealer, none of which seem to work worth a poop. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm still looking for a good one that really does the trick. Not too slippery, not too chalky, won't make me look 10 years older by settling in the (dare I admit it?!) wrinkles. Anyone? No? Yeah, I didn't think so. It hasn't been invented yet.
Oh yeah, they've been plotting against me since before they could even walk. I swear, I was a walking zombie. I 'd get one down for a nap and the other would flat-out REFUSE to go to sleep. Sure enough, I 'd finally get that one to sleep and I'd think, "YES! Hallelujah! Now I can get a nap, too!" Only to have the first wake up within 15-20 minutes. Right as I was nodding off.
They're only 16 and a half months apart, so they were both on the nap circuit. It's not like I was trying to make a kid sleep that didn't need a nap. They just wouldn't cooperate!
And now that they are older, and off the nap circuit, although there are days when they could certainly USE a nap, I have approximately 18 minutes a day all to myself. Barely enough time to go to the bathroom in peace and get dressed without an audience.
My nails need painting (badly) and my toes are atrocious! I'd take a picture of them and post it, but it really is pretty embarrassing. My hair needs all the dead ends chopped off. And the tee-shirt that I have right now at this very moment has a HUGE stain on the front of it that I did not even notice until I was out of the house and on my third errand run. Lovely.
I feel pretty, oh so pretty.
You know what I'm talking about, right? The sister from "Dirty Dancing", when she's practicing that dumb song for the big production that they do at the end of the week. Okay, I know it's originally from "West Side Story", but the "Dirty Dancing" reference seems more apropos.
I have gone to lengths that I promised myself as a new mother that I would NEVER do in order to get a few minutes alone.
Yes. I do it. I turn to "kid crack." You know what I mean. The electronic god that we all worship. (Not literally, I'm being figurative here.) The TV.
Okay, I admit it, it's on right now. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to concentrate long enough to form a cohesive sentence.
Anyone that ever said that being a mother was an easy job needs a whoopin'. Although, I DO agree when they say it's woman's work, because I know for a FACT (well, alright, it's not really a "fact", but in my head it is!) that there is no man on the face of this earth that could do what us gals do! No way, no how! No offense fellas, that's just the way it is!
But here's what makes it all that okay. I get to experience their whole day with them. Every little happiness, every bump and bruise, every laugh and every tear. I get to cuddle with them and give and get hugs and kisses at any moment in time. I also get to listen to their conversations with their little friends and giggle to myself as they discuss how they'd like to be able to have superpowers or to be turned into a mermaid. Oh, sure, I have to break up arguments and play referee throughout the day and settle them down when they are acting like crazy, wild banshees, but that's alright. They're MY crazy, wild banshees and I love every last wild and crazy bone in their bodies!
And I'm very happy when they finally go to sleep at night!
OMG! I am going to love working with you on the Summit page.I love your musings! Bravo. I understand all to well. Well written.